So the last time I tried to embarrass you to make you leave me alone I was unsuccessful. I am still doing everything in my power to take away your control over my life.
I have spent that last 6 months squashing your attempts to ruin my fun. Like when we went to Toronto in June and you made my legs feel like cement so I could not get into bed. Foiled that plan as Steven asked the hotel desk clerk for a stool for me to climb into bed on. Then, at Legoland when when you knocked my knees out I sat on my walker unable to move. This was when the nicest employee arranged for a wheelchair for the rest of my visit! So there! I was so worried about taking you to Ottawa to meet my uncle John and Aunt Ellie. Sometimes your behaviour is unacceptable! Happily you were trying hard to behave! Of course I was prepared this time as I had a wheelchair and a step stool, to get into bed, there waiting for me. So expecting you to act up made my trip pretty smooth! I was amazed at how accommodating people really can be<3
I am still taking Aubagio and it has kept your major attacks under control but seriously your little gifts are unwanted. I would love for you to return my bladder control! Stopping every hour on the way to Ottawa was NOT fun! Those people who built the enroute bathrooms need a turn in a wheelchair to see why it is unfair to put the accessible washrooms all the way at the end of the row of stalls! Oh ya...the drop foot you gave me years ago is really getting on my nerves, however we installed new door sills so you can't trip me there anymore. I have been blessed with many good friends and neighbours who understand why I can't go out and do the things that I used to. I however, am frustrated...some days I don't understand. I like being here by myself at times but I fear that once I am permanently in a wheelchair I will be a shut in and lonely. I sure hope you remember that Jay is only 7 before you do that to me. I am a fighter and I will not give in to your temper tantrums! I am now taking Fampyra with the attempts to ward off you taking away my ability to walk. I would also appreciate it if you stop taking words out of my mouth just as I am about to say them! Even worse is when you mix them up so what I say makes no sense. Seriously, I need a break.
You have have given me some good things though. I appreciate what I do have so much more than ever before. I never would have met my good friends Erika, Wendy, Bobbi, Trish, Krista, Laura, Karin, Dawn, Brenda, Rhonda, and countless others in my M.S. support groups without you. So for that I am thankful. You have also helped me to get the sidewalks in our neighbourhood repaired a bit faster than elderly neighbours thank you for that as well. Steven has reallt stepped up and is super helpful. He even helps with dinner! You also gave Jayden an easy Cub badge. Not many cubs have a mom with a disability so he is excited about that. I suppose you are not all THAT bad!
I also would not have had the chance to meet the nicest kids-young adults I suppose they are-who are going to be fabulous nurses! I sure hope they stay here in London and I get the chance to have them by my side if you send me to the hospital. They have actually encouraged me to start this Blog. I know they are here to learn all about how I actually live with you and you sure give me lots to tell them!
Once again M.S, I am prepared to fight and I will win!
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